I've joined an art class to improve my understanding of materials and techniques, and one of the assignments was to paint the white dish. I had some sea objects lying around my studio, so I added them. This was a fast painting, but I like the interplay of the colors and the light. It was a good way to memorialize some of my favorite objects.
Enjoy Life!, 10x8, Oil, 2023. Gift.
I picked some spring flowers from my garden and tried to paint a still life. I seldom paint flowers, so it was challenging. On the table is a cork from the Williamsburg Winery printed with the slogan "Enjoy Life!"
Vintage Wines, 12 x 16, Oil, 2022.
There is a spiral staircase leading to the cellar at the Williamsburg Winery. Along the way there are bottles of the Winery's award-winners from years past. I liked the lighting and colors on these bottles, and really enjoyed painting them. Part of the Williamsburg Winery's Winter Romance Show.
Sunflowers, Oil, 12 x 12, 2015. Gift.
There is nothing more cheerful than sunflowers. This started as a still life painting in the dining room, which I finished in the studio after the blossoms faded.
Blue Urn, Oil, 16 x 12, 2012
At the northern end of Canandaigua Lake there is an old mansion with extensive gardens called Sonnenberg. It still retains many elegant elements of days gone by, although there is also a feeling of abandonment. I was intrigued by the large blue urn standing sentry in the open doorway.
Reflections, Water Color, 12 x 9, 2010. Sold.
I set up a still life in front of a window in my dining room and was amazed by the reflections. I really like the abstract nature of this still life.
Japanese Anemones, Watercolor, 9 x 9, 2010. Gift.
This watercolor's original composition was rectangular and included more of the water container. I think it works much better in a square format without the distracting water container dominating the scene.
CW Holiday Window, Oil, 10 x 8, 2017. Sold.
Every holiday season, Colonial Williamsburg residents decorate their houses with traditional arrangements. This one included dried chili peppers and a pomegranate. I really liked the sky and tree reflecting in the window.
Barlett Pears, Oil, 7 x 5, 2012, Donated
I painted this small painting for a This Century Art Gallery fundraiser. I was attempting to create a highly realistic painting of these Bartlett pears.
Primary Flowers, Japanese paper collage, 13 x 11, 2008. Gift.
The primary colors of this flower arrangement caught my eye. This was an experiment creating a collage using handmade Japanese papers.
Colander of Apples, 10x8, Watercolor, 2024.
My friend Anna runs a bakery in Bethel, Maine and gathered this colander full of apples. I painted it with watercolors, which is a challenge for me! I think I'll try this in oil paints.
Pear & Apple, 10x10, Oil, 2024. Gift.
This is a simple color and shape study of the two pieces of fruit. It seems simple, but the shapes and shadows are complicated. I enjoyed painting the textured background, trying out some new techniques.
Relaxing by the Fire, 16x16, Oil, 2023. Sold.
The theme for the Winery's Fall art display was "What we Love."" I chose paint a warm fireplace with two glasses of wine--cozy and comforting.
Falling Tulips, 24x12, Oil, 2023. Sold.
This is a painting I made for the Camera to Brush show at the Williamsburg Contemporary Art Center. The original photograph was black and white. I had a lot of fun adding bright colors and whimsical shapes.
Albarino & Cabernet, 12 x 16, Oil. 2022. Sold.
This painting is part of the Williamsburg Winery's Winter Romance series. I decided to try a more abstract approach to this painting. I like white wine, he likes red! The romance is implied with the pairing of these two wines.
Wine & Dine, 10 x 8, Oil, 2023
There is nothing better in life than good food and a glass of wine. While painting this, I imagined how relaxing it is to wine and dine, especially with good friends. At those times, everything seems just a little bit brighter. My palette veered into saturated colors, which I consider an expression of happiness and pleasant memories.
Subterranean Naples, 16 x 12, Oil, 2022.
I visited Naples, Italy many years ago and went on a tour underneath the city. It was fascinating, containing remnants and artifacts from Roman times to WWII. It was damp and darkly colorful with many shades of green and ochre.
Pantry with glass, Oil, 11 x 14, 2012, Gift
Dixie’s pantry was full of fruit. I liked the contrast of the light shining on the fruit and through the wine goblet with the dark wood panel in the background.
Dixie’s Pantry, Watercolor, 8 x 10, 2010
Dixie used to live at the top of a mountain in the redwood forest above Santa Cruz. Her house was simple and rustic and I found many details that inspired me there. There is just something magical about being surrounded by redwood trees.